List of Cross Entry Restrictions for Medal Finals


Here’s a quick cheat sheet of cross entry restrictions to help keep it all straight!

(note there are more restrictions for Medal Finals than for regular season medal classes.)

2’ Medal– for riders that have not competed in ANY classes higher than 2′
(NO cross entry into any other jumping medal)

Green Rider Medal for riders that have never competed in 2’9 medal or higher
(May cross enter into Mini Medal during regular season, NO cross entry into any other jumping medal at Finals)

Mini/AA Medal– for riders that have never competed in a 3’ medal or higher
(NO cross entry into the Green Rider Medal at the Finals, however you may cross over into the 2’9 Child/Adult medal)
NOTE: Mini Medal is for 17 & under, AA medal is for 18 & over.

Child Adult Medal– for riders that have never competed in a 3’3 medal or higher
(you may cross enter into the Mini Medal OR 3’ medal, but NOT both)

3’ Medal– for riders that have never competed above 3’3 in a medal finals
(you may cross enter into the Child/Adult medal OR the 3’3 medal, but NOT both)

Junior/Amateur Medal– no cross entry restrictions, you may enter into the 3’ medal

Flat Medal– no cross entry restrictions

The full specs for each medal may be found under the Competition Tab, Rules and Speculations

Hope this helps!
Jenifer Clark Duron
GSDHJA Vice President
Communications Director