Welcome to the GSDHJA store, the only place to buy or renew memberships, banquet tickets or year end award mailing.

Please note that we are an all volunteer organization. As such all purchases are final and cannot be refunded. Please consider any unintended purchases a donation. Thank you for your understanding.

GSDHJA Membership

This item allows you to RENEW your GSDHJA membership or JOIN as a new person for the 2025 show year. The show year runs from the end of the Champ show to the end of the Champ show every year.

Please note that membership is NOT prorated and is NOT retroactive. If you join in January or September, the cost is the same and is valid for the current show year only. Points are only tracked from the day you buy your membership onwards.

If you purchase your membership the weekend of a horse show, points earned at that horse show will be considered valid.

There is no horse recording or fee, but horse OWNERS and your TRAINER (as well as RIDERS) must be GSDHJA members for points to count.


  • Junior/Adult Amateur: $75.00
  • Business: $75.00
  • Professional or Head Trainer: $25.00

To start, please enter the member's full name, email and zip code. If you are renewing and have recently moved or changed emails, please use your old zip code and/or email - you'll get a chance to change them once you are past this page.


If the system won't let you in, it is very likely we have incorrect information about you in our database. Please click here to send us an email explaining the problem. We'll get back to you right away.

We cannot find an existing record with your name from this year or last year. Do you want to join the GSDHJA as a new member?

is already a GSDHJA member for the show year. If you wanted to join for 2026, please select 2026 in the Year entry on the initial Membership item (click Membership on the left side column to try again). If you just wanted to view or update your membership contact information, please click here.

is already a GSDHJA member for the show year. If you just wanted to view or update your membership contact information, please click here.

Please enter the following information to become a member for the show year, and then press the Continue button to add the membership to the cart.

You are not currently a member for the show year. Below is the information we have about you on file. Please make any updates to your contact information, and then press the Continue button to verify your changes and add the membership to the cart.

Please make any updates to your contact information, and then press the Continue button to add the membership to the cart.

Membership Type:
 Junior/Adult Amateur ($75.00)
 Head Trainer (Professional) ($25.00)
 Assit. Trainer (Professional) ($25.00)
 Business ($75.00)
Click to read the latest Rule Book about Amateur/Professional status.
First Name:
Last Name:
Mailing Address
Your Trainer:
Barn Physical Address
(only list if you are recruiting new riders, used for Find A Trainer page)
Barn Name:
Only enter web page address. If you don't have one, the first email in your email entry above will be used.
I AGREE to the GSDHJA Terms and Conditions

You can specify more than one email address by separating the addresses by semicolons(;).

If the following information is correct, click the Add To Cart button.

Mail Award(s)

Buy this item to have your award(s) mailed to you if you cannot or couldn't attend the banquet. To start, please enter the member's name.

Member Name:


Your award(s) will be mailed to the following address. If this address is not correct, please click here and update your member record, then come back to this page.

Select what kind of award you are receiving, then press the Add to Cart button. If you are receiving more than one award, please select Large. If more than one member of your family are receiving awards, please note this in the comments.

$20.00 Small (5th - 8th place, Medals)
$30.00 Large (Achievement, Grand/Reserve Champion, 3rd & 4th place)



Banquet Reservations

Online RSVPs for this year's banquet are now closed and we cannot accept any more reservations. Please to see if there are any extra seats available.

You may still have your award(s) mailed to you by purchasing a Mail Award.

Banquet starts at 4:00pm January 28, 2024 for socializing, dinner served at 5:00pm, with awards to follow.

California Center for the Arts
340 N Escondido Blvd
Escondido, CA 92025

Click here to add more items to your cart, or click the shopping cart icon above to view your cart or checkout.

Please type in the name you want your dinner reservations held under, your trainer name (to group seating), and add one or more dinners to the shopping cart.

Reservation Name:
Trainer Name:


When you are done adding dinners, click:

Lodge a Protest

Buy this item to lodge a formal protest as defined in the latest rulebook. The Protest section reads:

Protest of an alleged violation of a GSDHJA rule must be made in writing and sent to GSDHJA within 30 days of the occurrence of the alleged violation, and be accompanied by a protest deposit of $50. The Hearing Committee will review the written protest and make written notice to the accused by certified mail. Accused will have 14 days from receipt of notice to contest the charges. If the protest is upheld, the $50 will be returned to the protester. Any anonymous informal protest brought to the board's attention will be addressed at the Boards discretion. All violations requiring returning and redistributing prizes will be assessed fines to cover all costs involved plus a $50 fine. All fines shall be levied by the Hearing Committee.

Enter an email address to which a formal protest form will be sent, then click the Add to Cart button to buy the Protest. When you've received the formal protest form via email, simply reply to that email, and include any information or attachments you think are needed to submit the protest.




Until we've set our 2021 sponsorship package, use this item to pay for any outstanding sponsorships you've already pledged. Just type in a note explaining who is paying and what the sponsorship is for (eg. "Willow Creek Stables paying for Mini Medal sponsor") and then fill in the amount you are paying (Eg. 225 for $225.00). Press add to cart and you can then checkout.



Shopping Cart

Choose Payal or Credit Card to checkout:

Check Out With Credit Card
Credit Card Type:
Credit Card Number:
Expiration Date:  /
First Name:
Last Name:
Billing Address:

Purchase Complete

Your purchase is now complete. You should be receiving a confirmation email shortly.