“A” Show Rule for 2022 and Year End Awards Qualifications


In an effort to limit last minute changes to GSDHJA rules and qualifications late in the season and with the recent stall in competitions due to the EHV-1 outbreaks we would like to announce the 2022 A Show Rule and the requirements for earning Year End Awards. We hope this allows all of our members to plan accordingly for their 2022 show season with no surprises!

A-Show Rule

To qualify for the 2022 Championship Show you must compete in at least 2 county shows for the horse in hunter or jumper divisions & at least 2 county shows for the rider in equitation divisions, medals, and achievement divisions.

2022 Year End Prize Qualification

For a horse or rider to earn a year end award they must compete in a minimum of any 3 GSDHJA recognized shows in the 2022 season.