Unofficial 2023 Year End Results-Check Now!


Attention Year End Awards Recipients:

Below is a link for the unofficial results from the 2023 season.  GSDHJA rules state that to be eligible for a year end prize in any division that follows the rider (any achievement, green rider, or equitation division), the rider must have shown in at least 3 shows in that division. And for a division that follows the horse (any hunter or jumper division), the horse must have shown in at least 3 shows in that division. These results were compiled with the best of our research and anyone with less than 3 shows was removed. If you believe that you should be included on this results list, but were left off, please contact by November 29th.  These results will become final on Friday, December 1 and we will start collecting prize choices.

Please click the link below to view the Unofficial 2023 Year End Awards.

Congratulations everyone!

Jenifer Owens
GSDHJA Vice President
Communications Director